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Paralegal rejection

evvomed4evvomed4 Core Member
in General 22 karma

Never really posted before so here goes nothing. I interviewed for a spot in a big firm's paralegal program the other day. Took 20 minutes, went so-so, but less than 4 hours later I got a rejection email. I'm not too broken up about the rejection but it seems ridiculously fast considering I only got off the phone with them and definitely wounded my pride a bit. Should I read into the speedy rejection too much, or am I just doing my typical type-a overthinking?


  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1012 karma

    I know rejection sucks but you will move on from this in the next coming days. I have interviewed before and some of them do not even communicate the outcome of the interview.

    I would look at it this way, they didn’t want you as a paralegal, but you will walk in there one day as an attorney. Keep your head up.

  • You Gotta Show MeYou Gotta Show Me Alum Member
    93 karma

    I really wouldn't worry about it. In some instances, law firms will look for someone who they can train and count on being with the firm for a long time. If you want some experience as a paralegal before going to law school, I would just be ambiguous about those plans in future paralegal interviews.

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