PTC.S3.Q23 - Political instability

mistrymamistryma Alum Member
edited July 2023 in Logical Reasoning 6 karma

I'm looking for an explanation to this question. I chose D (which is the wrong answer). Thx!!

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    137 karma

    Starting off with the prompt I broke it down into three key pieces.

    PS= Political stability

    F = The fiction that laws are embodying the intention of the authors

    I = illusion that laws are bequest of a long tradition rather than preferences of contemporary politicians

    Reading the prompt we know that

    The illusion is necessary for Politcal stability : PS -> I

    and with know that The fiction is necessary for the illusion: I -> F
    (they give this argument in a really obscured way but it essentially breaks down to this)

    So we combined these two statements together and get:

    PS -> I -> F

    or the contrapositive

    /F -> /I -> /PS

    A ) incorrect, uses the term poltical leaders when it should be founders

    B ) Correct: is essentially saying: when /F then/PS (/F -> /PS)

    C) incorrect: Topic shifts with them stem being about intrepretation and use of the constitution while this answer choice is about beliefs

    D) incorrect: has the wrong intpretation of F. This answer choice is saying is that a written consitution preserves the Illusion. But thats not what the prompt is saying. The prompt is saying "the Fiction that a consitution is being intrepretted in line with the authors intentions" is what preserves the illusion.

    E) incorrect: off topic "perceived lack of legal tradition"?

    Hopefully this helps


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