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RC Timing Help!

watersbbwatersbb Core Member

Any tips on getting faster at RC? I'm trying to read each passage in 4min and answer questions in 4 min, but I am finding that I still take too much time on answering the questions. Should I spend less time reading?


  • offy0c-1-1offy0c-1-1 Live Member
    256 karma

    I would say that your timing for the passage is similar to mine, so I would not say you should attempt to sacrifice understanding for time. What I do recommend, which may help you for the questions, is to eliminate all those acs that seem to present information that conflicts with the passage. Being able to really scrutinize the answer choices and be able to see what they include that simply cannot be supported from the passage helps with decreasing your time.

  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    I agree, never spend less time reading and instead focus on speeding up the question portion. The RC section has the most questions of all the sections and allotted the same amount of time. Ultimately, you're given more to read, more questions and longer answers choices. Skimping on the reading does not buy you any time and may actually slow you down significantly or cause more wrong answers. Personally, I go into the test allowing myself the grace to automatically skip 3 questions on RC, meaning I flag, select A and never look back. This cuts my work down to 24 questions that I will give extra attention to. Now if I happen to have some time left and feel good with the rest of my answers I will go back and give it a whirl - but they are not my priority in the slightest. If I see that each answer choice is like a paragraph, Imma go ahead and skip it. If it's a RECALL EXCEPT, Imma skip it. These are the most time-consuming questions - this has helped me maximize points in the section on a consistent basis. Don't get lost in the sauce trying to tackle every single question. losing points is inevitable but you have a say on which ones you get wrong :)

  • watersbbwatersbb Core Member
    34 karma

    Thank you! I definitely need to learn which questions to just skip and move on to maximize my chances at answering most of the questions. You're right, getting answers wrong is inevitable for RC so might as well give myself the time to get more right!

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