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LSAT Accountability Co-work Group

latinx33456latinx33456 Live Member
edited April 2023 in Study Groups 143 karma

Hi everyone,

I am hosting a 2 month LSAT accountability sprint. What does this mean?
We will create a group and for 2 months we will: keep each other accountable with LSAT studying by coworking on a regular basis and scheduling check-ins.

Weekly Check-ins:
- On Mondays we will check in at 12pm EST and discuss our goals for the week, we will discuss:
- Top 3 Goals for the week
- Potential barriers we predict
- How we plan to overcome those barriers
- Whether or not we reached our goals the previous week

Time-block coworking:
I will host time-block coworking sessions every day. At the start of each time block we will do a short check-in to discuss our goals for that time block. During these time-blocks we will NOT review questions together or have test review sessions. We will simply do our own thing and co-work.
Time blocks:
9-11AM EST (daily)
1-3PM EST (daily)
7-9PM EST (daily)

Discord Community:
If interested, ping me for the discord link.

When does this start?
As soon as we get a solid and committed group going.


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