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Can I hide my answers after a test?

Sir BellamoSir Bellamo Live Member
in General 33 karma

I've taken a prep-test and completed blind review. However, I'd still like to hide the correct answer choices to review again. Is this possible?


  • hank2023hank2023 Alum Member
    edited August 2023 62 karma

    I don't think 7Sage has this feature. Elemental Prep has a free tool available called "Camo Review" that does something pretty close to what you are asking. After taking a PT, you can enter your answers for a section and it will give you a list containing all of the questions you got wrong mixed in with some questions you got right. It allows you a chance to correct yourself without seeing the correct answers but also tests your confidence.

    After putting in your new answers or sticking with your original answers, it will tell you which questions you got right or wrong the second time around. It won't tell you the right answer. I've used it after blind reviewing to have a second shot at any questions that I got incorrect during blind review.

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