I like to take tests in the modern format then add a random section from a different PT as a fourth section. That way, I still take a 4 section test, which is what we'll have on test day, but only 1 LR section is scored. If you don't simulate modern, 2 LR sections will be scored, which is unrepresentative of how your test will be scored on the real thing.
@"Matt Sorr" when you’re doing your random section do you insert it randomly into the test or just tag it onto the back end.
If the former, is it just a drill including all the questions from a random test section that you take in between sections? Or is there a way to build / randomize the unscored section in to prevent knowing it’s unscored?
@JesseWeNeedToCook said: @"Matt Sorr" when you’re doing your random section do you insert it randomly into the test or just tag it onto the back end.
If the former, is it just a drill including all the questions from a random test section that you take in between sections? Or is there a way to build / randomize the unscored section in to prevent knowing it’s unscored?
I tag mine at the back end and just flip a coin at the end of the test to determine which of the two similar sections is scored. You could just insert it anywhere though and do the same thing.
I like to take tests in the modern format then add a random section from a different PT as a fourth section. That way, I still take a 4 section test, which is what we'll have on test day, but only 1 LR section is scored. If you don't simulate modern, 2 LR sections will be scored, which is unrepresentative of how your test will be scored on the real thing.
@"Matt Sorr" when you’re doing your random section do you insert it randomly into the test or just tag it onto the back end.
If the former, is it just a drill including all the questions from a random test section that you take in between sections? Or is there a way to build / randomize the unscored section in to prevent knowing it’s unscored?
I tag mine at the back end and just flip a coin at the end of the test to determine which of the two similar sections is scored. You could just insert it anywhere though and do the same thing.