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Which Practice Tests to do?

Jager from R6Jager from R6 Alum Member

I'm planning on taking the LSAT in October or November or even both, and I've done prep tests 1-6. I know the earlier prep tests aren't exactly representative of what the modern tests are like, so which ones should I do from now until then? Any feedback is appreciated :)


  • hank2023hank2023 Alum Member
    62 karma

    You probably won't run out of PTs by October or November, so you could start doing PTs in the 70s or later. Some of them are quite different from older tests, particularly the 80s, and it would be helpful to familiarize yourself with those newer concepts so you can prepare well in advance of your test date.

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    I would use the 60s/70s+ to PT and the ones before it to drill. This mainly depends on how many PTs you plan to take a week.

    edited August 2023 12 karma

    Hi similar question. I'm planning on finishing the core curriculum by the end of August (fingers crossed). That will leave me just over two months to do PTs - I plan on taking the November exam. There is no way I will get through 5 PTs a week as suggested with my study schedule but I'm wondering how many people suggest to do a week and where to start. I thought I'd do the 70s, 80s, and 90s at at least two per week (1 day for test, 1 day for BR, 1 day for review and leave Sunday for drills). Also, does it matter which month I choose (June vs. Oct. vs. another)? Thanks so much 7Sagers.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    414 karma

    I have heard that doing whole tests doesn't work well for everyone at all times but doing whole sections and then doing a full thorough review will help. That being said, I plan to drill sections and then do a detailed review. I will go ahead and also do 1 whole test a week starting in Sept. I think that I am on the same timeline as you as far as a the Oct or Nov test. We shall see. The major point is to drill, drill drill. Then sections, then whole tests. Hoping that we all do well!!

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