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Should I take the LSAT after applying to law school?

I scored a 153 on the August LSAT and I'm taking the October LSAT. I know 153 is an average score but I'm just scared I won't get accepted into my law school options and I'm not feeling to confident (because I studied less for the October LSAT). I want to have all my applications in by November 1st so I have a higher chance of getting in. I have a pretty decent GPA (3.81 and 4.0 Major GPA) and extracurricular but I feel the LSAT would hold me back. Should I consider taking a later LSAT and sending out my score to schools after?

LSAT after Applying
  1. Should I take the LSAT after applying to law school?28 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • asbei419asbei419 Core Member
    5 karma

    following as im also wondering this

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    470 karma

    Is it pertinent that you start law school next fall? If not, and you are also interested in being considered for scholarships, I would recommend getting your score to your HIGHEST capability. You can study with ease, fell little to no stress while having a daily study regime with a day off at least per week. You can then apply as soon as applications open and will likely be in a better position to parse through more opportunities for different schools. It is just a year and a lot can be done in that year. You can gain work experience as well as volunteer experience perhaps in your field. And/or do some mentoring in your community.

    Praying that you make the wisest decision for you overall.

  • troysch1troysch1 Free Trial Member
    31 karma

    There's just no downside to doing this (in terms of your application). I've had tutoring clients who took far later exams, and in one instance had been outright rejected by schools, saw a pretty big lsat bump (iirc 161 to 169), and then had some of those schools pull their rejection and offer scholarship. Schools. care. about. that. number. Is that great? probably not! but it's the world we live in.

    But hard to emphasize how much the timing here is not an issue-if you're on the bubble, you're getting put on hold anyway so you'll have plenty of time to update. if you're getting in, you'll get in. and if you get rejected, well, see above. it's not actually the end of the line.

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