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LG notations

viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
in General 42 karma
I started the Trainer and I just got to the LG sections. How did you guys learned the notations to diagram the rules? Did you make a cheat sheet, or did you memorize them as you practice? thank you!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Learned through practice. I started with 7Sage and then did the Trainer afterwards so I had already picked up notations from 7Sage and just made a few adjustments. There aren't nearly as many notations as the Trainer makes it seem like since it is somewhat overly comprehensive in the examples it gives. You could even make up your own notations if you felt like it. The most important thing is that you find out what works for you and that you can apply consistently while understanding what each of your notations mean.
  • littlesnickerslittlesnickers Member Inactive Sage
    271 karma
    Mike has a cheat sheet on his website that I printed out and pinned on the wall by my desk. Over time I would add sticky notes to drill stuff I was having trouble with and scratch out stuff I didn't end up using.

    I agree with @Pacifico overall about learning what works best for you through practice. It could end up being counterproductive and frustrating to adhere to notations that don't feel right.

    I started with the Trainer and then moved to 7sage, and I felt that the Trainer didn't emphasize enough how to use conditional chains and when to represent in/out rules on the gameboard. So I suggest that you assess your weak spots after you've practiced a while and then see if either the Trainer or 7sage or somewhere else has an approach that could address those.
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    Thank you very much for your responses!! I printed out the cheat sheet from the trainer and will take it from there!
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