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Chatterbox Championship πŸ’¬ πŸ†

Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
edited September 2023 in General 5740 karma

Hey everyone! Every so often, we like to give awards to posters who help us make our forum the thriving community that it is. Today, I’m pleased to announce a new batch of Chatterbox Championship winners!

And...drumroll please...the winners are:

Biggest Chatterbox: @AlexgLSAT. We especially appreciated the method they shared that helped them get from -1 to -0 consistently on Logic Games.

Award: $100 Amazon gift card.

Most Helpful Responder: @maco4538. We loved this response on cutting out the noise when identifying the underlying assumptions in Logical Reasoning questions!

Award: $100 Amazon gift card.

Honorable mentions:
@alexanderyewang for creating and sharing an incredible comprehensive 7Sage study spreadsheet.

@amdhill08 for a great response in What to do?!

@addison101220 for the helpful tips for Logical Reasoning timing in LR strategy - good or bad?

Congratulations to the winners (awards will be in your email inboxes shortly), and thanks to everyone on the forum!

P.S. We'll periodically be running more Chatterbox Championships in the future. Every 7Sage user is eligible; the only criteria is that you post helpful things on the forums.


  • GalateaGalatea Core Member
    92 karma

    Nice to see the site is still alive and monitored! Glad to see people being rewarded for helping out :)

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    Thanks for the shoutout, and glad to be a part of this community! :)

  • ewurafuah7ewurafuah7 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I just decided to study for the LSAT πŸ₯Ήand I’m a bit scared

  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    thank you!

  • amdhill08amdhill08 Alum Member
    120 karma

    Aw! Thank you! The forums have helped me immensely. Community is needed while you study for the LSAT! :)

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    Congrats to the winners!!! 7Sage is the only LSAT prep I recommend.

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