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How can i imporve on Inference RC questions?

reez1234reez1234 Live Member

I've been working on my RC, and it's gotten better but I keep getting inference questions wrong. I get around a -8 on RC and 3 of those are usually inference questions. So far, I just keep practice drilling, but does anyone have any tips on how they handle inference questions? Or any advice on how to improve?


  • juliettelee99juliettelee99 Core Member
    66 karma

    I desperately need help with inference questions too I keep getting them wrong I'm gonna follow this thread

  • juliettelee99juliettelee99 Core Member
    66 karma

    Hey I actually watched this one video on Youtube, it takes time to put their tips into practice but I do feel it has helped me a bit. Maybe it might help you too:
    If the link doesn't work you can look up "LSAT Lab Inference"

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