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Always Apart in LG

joserz2014joserz2014 Alum Member

In logic games im getting a bit confused. When are two items always apart?
for example is the always apart
/j --> k
or is it
j --> /k

or is it both? I've seen JY put a place holder in many in/out games saying these two are always apart but when do you know exactly they're always apart?


  • luffyyyyluffyyyy Alum Member
    703 karma

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I diagram "always apart" as bi-conditional. I.e. J <--> /K. What you have above /J --> K is not always apart. It means either J is in, or K is in, or both J and K can be in. Similarly, J --> /K means either J or K must be out, or both can be out. Always apart is a little different because it means you can never see JK in or out together. A forever apart rule will read something like "either J is in or K is in, but not both". This means I must see one of J or K in, but they are forever apart because I cannot see both in. I hope this helps a bit!

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