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LR/RC Help

juliettelee99juliettelee99 Core Member
in General 66 karma

Hi all (:
I'm now finally scoring above my goal score on BR and have gotten to the point where I think I can consistently score in the range I'd want as my real test score- but ONLY on blind review. I'm still a few points under on my timed PTs. This shows me that I'm capable of scoring what I want but I feel like my main issue is speed, as I usually run out of time for the last few questions on LR ~1-3 (0 if I'm lucky lol) and RC I usually end up skimming the last passage and don't have enough time for notes. ): I'd appreciate any tips anyone might have on just getting faster? Like any drills/methods you use?


  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    edited October 2023 802 karma

    LR - I would recommend doing speed drills of the first 10-15 questions per section, and shoot for a minute per question max. If you can get this consistent you'll have 2 min/question on the last 10 harder ones which should be more than enough time. I aim for this aswell and it even allows me to spend like 4 minutes on a super hard curvebreaker question towards the end of the section and still not run out of time.

    RC - Set a specific amount of time for your readthrough and questions. I'd try 3:30 passage and 4-5 min questions. Once you can get your timing consistent across PTs, you'll be able to complete sections and have a minute or two to go back. Of course, once you're taking the real thing, you can be a bit more flexible on this (especially with the 5* passages) but this timing will train you to speed up on easier passages so you have the time to give on harder ones.

    The key to timing is consistency. Train yourself to go fast and you will instinctively go faster. These drills were harder for me at the start but once you get used to it I promise it will get easier, and you'll develop an internal clock that tells you when its time to move on and come back later.

  • juliettelee99juliettelee99 Core Member
    66 karma

    Thanks @AlexgLSAT I'll definitely start trying those! (:

  • studyquasistudyquasi Core Member
    14 karma

    I'll leave a couple that could also help:

    RC: If speed is the problem in RCs, chances are that you have to re-read the statements while solving the questions again (not always, but could be) and/or that you're a perfectionist in understanding everything. Something that helped me was to write shortened versions of everything like how most people approach LG. (Example: Diamond carving laser (the main key word in the passage) goes up to 1000+ degrees --> I would write it as: "dcl >/= 1000+") Practice with a lot of passages on how to write powerful shorthands that 1. so good that you won't have to reread the passage while solving the problems 2. understandable to you that lets you understand as soon as you read it again 3. so short it takes you only a few seconds to write down and read

    LR: The key is to figure out patterns and key words. I would figure out which questions are making you take more time than you should (always better to take less time and be more accurate) and what steps you might be repeating to solve a questions (are you reading anything twice? do you strategize again in the middle?). Personally, something I realized I do for my LR is that I tend to read question --> stimulus --> question --> answer. If you can ensure that you only read everything once and doing all the steps once, easier questions might need shorter time.

    I hope this helps and sorry if these are things you already do!! I hope you get your dream score on your real test!

  • juliettelee99juliettelee99 Core Member
    66 karma

    @"Soren Kim" Thanks so much! I do reread a lot LOL I'll definitely try your methods on top of what was already suggested and thanks I hope you get yours too (:

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