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yhkim0310yhkim0310 Alum Member
I have decided to go to law school after I graduate from my college. I started LSAT prep on May 22 for the October LSAT. I know it is hard to improve a lot with a short amount of time. I got 138 for the cold diagnostic test, and I am aiming for 157 October LSAT. The problem is that English is not my first language, and I am not good at reading comprehension. I took a prep test last week after studying for 6 weeks (just reviewing the materials in 7sage, not bible), and I got 150 with using about 50-55minutes per section. It was impossible to finish the test within 35 minutes per section. I am planning to take two PTs every week and review them, and I also going to read bibles. That is all I am planning to do right now. Do you guys think it is possible to get 157 on October LSAT? Is there any tips for studying Logical Reasoning section? Thank you!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    This might all sound a bit harsh but it is not intended as such. First of all you need to relax. There's no reason you have to take the October test. Stop wasting PTs immediately and go through the full curriculum. Read pretty much anything you can get your hands on, don't worry too much about difficulty right now since English is not your first language, anything from the New York Times reading. Level on up will help you. Perhaps listen to some audiobooks to learn more English passively. You need to focus on getting through the 7Sage curriculum as it will help you in all areas and even with your English. Don't take untimed PTs because it's worthless to waste a PT like that and that is what BR is for anyways. If you have a lot of time to dedicate to studying then you could potentially hit your target in December but if it takes you an hour per section and you can't clear 160 then I'm sorry you are just not going to cut it for the October LSAT. You just need to be more realistic and develop a feasible study plan and you can be successful. Setting unrealistic expectations will doom you to failure and that does nobody any good. Feel free to hit me up anytime if you have questions or need more advice and good luck in your studies.
  • jyang72jyang72 Alum Member
    844 karma
    @yhkim0310, with 55 minutes per section and you still score 150, I think this is a sign of fundamental issues. I think you need to review some 7sage logic lessons. English is my second language too and I also struggle with RC. But the only way to improve your RC and English is to practice. Try reading some dense passages from the Economists. You can also try this website to find some interesting cases to read and get some feeling of being a lawyer. @Pacifico is right that you need to be well-prepared for the LSAT. Keep on fighting. You can also email me if you need help.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Oct. is too soon. You're going to need more time for a high score. I would suggest taking the Dec. LSAT, or maybe prep for Dec. and if you still do not feel ready then you can take the Feb. LSAT. Since most schools are willing to accept the Feb. LSAT for the fall cycle.
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