If you are using the CCv2, you can find the Core Curriculum Lesson Videos starting from this link: https://7sage.com/lesson/mc-lesson-1-lsat62-s4-question-01/. Please note, though, that J.Y. is currently in the process of recording video lessons for the Foundation lessons, so that part of CCv2 is currently text-based. Stay tuned for updates on their availability!
In case you are unable to access the lesson videos in CCv2, I gave your account access to CCv2. You should now be able to access the new lessons in the Syllabus by following the steps below:
1. Navigate to the "Course" tab and then click "Syllabus"
2. Scroll down and click "Switch to V2"
3. If you would like to switch back to the old Core Curriculum, scroll to the top of the Syllabus page, and click "Switch to V1". See the GIF below:
I hope that helped! Please let me know if you any further questions.
@"isa-car3" Since V2 teaches Logical Reasoning more efficiently and effectively, we recommend switching to CCv2 completely.
Please note that the Foundation lessons are currently text-based (JY is currently in the process of recording video lessons for those), but everything else has video in V2. If you want to start where the videos begin, you can do so here: https://7sage.com/lesson/mc-lesson-1-lsat62-s4-question-01/.
Hi @rdyoung12,
If you are using the CCv1, you can find the Core Curriculum Lesson Videos starting from this link: https://7sage.com/lesson/arguments/.
If you are using the CCv2, you can find the Core Curriculum Lesson Videos starting from this link: https://7sage.com/lesson/mc-lesson-1-lsat62-s4-question-01/. Please note, though, that J.Y. is currently in the process of recording video lessons for the Foundation lessons, so that part of CCv2 is currently text-based. Stay tuned for updates on their availability!
In case you are unable to access the lesson videos in CCv2, I gave your account access to CCv2. You should now be able to access the new lessons in the Syllabus by following the steps below:

1. Navigate to the "Course" tab and then click "Syllabus"
2. Scroll down and click "Switch to V2"
3. If you would like to switch back to the old Core Curriculum, scroll to the top of the Syllabus page, and click "Switch to V1". See the GIF below:
I hope that helped! Please let me know if you any further questions.
I'm a video kind of person but also want the most updated version of the information, what should I do? Continue with V1 or V2? Both? #help
@"isa-car3" Since V2 teaches Logical Reasoning more efficiently and effectively, we recommend switching to CCv2 completely.
Please note that the Foundation lessons are currently text-based (JY is currently in the process of recording video lessons for those), but everything else has video in V2. If you want to start where the videos begin, you can do so here: https://7sage.com/lesson/mc-lesson-1-lsat62-s4-question-01/.