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Advice- Canadian Law Schools

18rbsn18rbsn Alum Member

Hi everyone! I am from Ontario and am applying to Canadian law schools. I got my score back from the October LSAT and it was a 154 (my first attempt). This is lower than my practice exams as I consistently score in the 160's. My question is, do you think I should cancel my score and try again in January? Also if I do the January exam will Canadian universities still consider me for admission? Thank you so much for you help, I really appreciate any advice:)


  • Check with the universities you are applying too, some take as late as the February! I would recommend you try again because why not! I don't even think you need to cancel because there aren't a lot of Canadian schools that average the scores anymore, they mostly all just take your highest score now. Best of luck with everything!!

  • PuffinboizPuffinboiz Core Member
    12 karma

    You should definitely check the schools you are looking to apply to, as their requirements may be different. For example, UBC and U of T both accept January scores, but both state that chances are lower if you're hoping to use your January score for your application, since spots will start filling up by the time the scores are released. Best of luck with whatever you decide!

  • lsatjunkie-1lsatjunkie-1 Alum Member
    35 karma

    I scored the exact same in oct ! All depends on your GPA, softs and where youre applying. If all else is avg, then 154 is likely low for Os, UofT and UBC. I'd say keep it and retry for Jan, 2 months is a lot of prep time!

  • MarcoChenMarcoChen Alum Member
    10 karma

    My question may seem somewhat basic. If one doesn't cancel the October LSAT score, is it possible for law schools in Canada to directly send rejection letters before the January LSAT scores are released? Or will law schools provide admission decisions after the January score update? Thank you.

  • PuffinboizPuffinboiz Core Member
    12 karma

    I think if you tell them on your application that you have an upcoming LSAT, they will wait for those scores. At least the Ontario application had that section.

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