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Help with LR

I've been studying this site for over a year and I consistently get only half right on LR. There is no specific question type that I have an issue with but it's all up and down the board. Each test is a new group of question types wrong, so right when I think I have something mastered I don't. What can I do to get about 18 right instead of 12 right consistently?


  • lucasjameszieglerlucasjamesziegler Alum Member
    385 karma

    Are you getting more wrong towards the end? Beginning? Something that worked for me was focus on getting 10/10 for the first ten regardless of time, then move to 15/15, then 20/20. I would guess the rest I didn't have time for. Now I am averaging -5 on LR.

    Another thing that helped me was ditching diagramming completely. I got so focused on diagramming and indicator words that I was not even understanding the arguments.

    Hope this helps.

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