Chatterbox Championship 💬 🏆

Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
edited February 2024 in General 5740 karma

Hey everyone! Every so often, we like to give awards to posters who help us make our forum the thriving community that it is. Today, I’m pleased to announce a new batch of Chatterbox Championship winners!

And...drumroll please...the winners are:

Biggest Chatterbox: @equallyyoked. We loved the encouraging message they provided in Losing Hope on LG.

Award: $100 Amazon gift card.

Most Helpful Responder: @siobhan234, who is always responding to fellow 7Sager’s “#help” requests. We appreciate their detailed response on what is meant by “rule triggers” in the lesson Conditional Rules in Games Drill Flashcards.

Award: $100 Amazon gift card.

Honorable mentions:

@TwentyStarGeneral for providing helpful tips on how to identify the different flaw categories in Identifying flaws.

@JDream2023 who provided some advice on how to approach MSS questions in Feel like I cannot improve on MSS Questions. for sharing some encouraging words and strategies for improving LR and RC in Feeling stuck and burnt out.

Congratulations to the winners (awards will be in your email inboxes shortly), and thanks to everyone on the forum!

P.S. We'll periodically be running more Chatterbox Championships in the future. Every 7Sage user is eligible; the only criteria is that you post helpful things on the forums.


  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1012 karma

    Thank you, 7Sage! I never won anything before. This makes me so happy :smiley:

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Alum Member
    474 karma

    OH WOW!!!! I can't believe that I was chosen. I always hope that my words in person and virtually would help someone even a little. Thank you for sending to my email!

    Hoping that everyone stays encouraged on this LSAT journey. We really are in this together!

  • wimoeller71wimoeller71 Alum Member
    79 karma

    @"Juliet - Student Service" is the LG conditional rules flashcard link still active? When I click on it the link is to a page that shows "lesson 0 of 0", and there is nothing there besides the blue bar with the title, and then below that just the standard leave a lesson note box.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    Hi @wimoeller71,

    Sorry about that.

    You can access the Conditional Rules in Games Drill Flashcards lesson by first switching to version 2 of the Core Curriculum. Switch to the Core Curriculum v2 by clicking the "Switch to v2" button located at the top of your Syllabus page. Please see the screenshot below:


    I hope this helps Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • wimoeller71wimoeller71 Alum Member
    79 karma

    @"Juliet - Student Service" Thank you that worked.

    I guess I thought it was flashcards for the logic games conditional sequencing rules, like the not both rule (K--->/P), or the either or rule (T/--->K), or the sandwhich rule (H-F-G or G-F-H). Not sure if anyone else has been making master notes flash cards for those, I'm sure there might be some more besides those.

  • siobhan234siobhan234 Live Member
    14 karma

    Thank you so much!! I'm glad my comments were helpful. I'm always happy to assist my fellow law school peers in any way that I can!

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