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I have been immensely stressed about this test. It has monopolized my thoughts since I took it last Nov. and didn't score that well. However, if any of you are like me, maybe it will help to hear this: you ARE capable. Put your game face on, and show these test-makers who the real boss is. Know that your knowledge and preparation will not fail you on test day. The hard work you put in will pay off! Keep striving and keep hoping, because you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Best of luck to all of us next month and to those in months to come. LET'S DO THIS!!!
Love this
I am also taking June test and I am have been so nervous !!!
@bk2946a we got this!!😎I made myself a hype playlist with "Lose Yourself" by Eminem and songs like "Eye of the Tiger" to get myself pumped and less anxious lol
Thank you so much! I am taking the LSAT at June for the first time. Hope this is also the last time
Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this!!! I am testing in August and hope to be a one and done!
Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this!!! I am testing in August and hope to be a one and don
I'm also taking it in June and am so scared. We got this though. I believe in us
i definitely needed this! i just got my score for my april one, didnt do great. also registered for the june one! hopefully last one!! good luck everyone
I needed this!!! Thank youuuuu
Good luck everyone! Thank you for the inspiration! We got this!
Thanks for this! Sending you good luck!