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Getting back into studying

ev2k1ev2k1 Alum Member
in General 109 karma

Hey, y'all! Long story short, I've taken the LSAT twice, getting a 140 and a 139 respectively. I last took it in February and decided that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results and between full time school and three jobs, I just couldn't study. That being said, I graduate Saturday with my bachelors, start a full time 8-5 on Monday and am ready to get back into the swing.

What's the easiest way to get back into studying? Ideally, I'd like to shoot for the August/September LSAT. Thoughts?


  • ericdanielsilvagomezericdanielsilvagomez Live Member
    108 karma

    Best of luck! 💪🏽

  • abbyradelabbyradel Alum Member
    8 karma

    I know it's hard but just try to think of the test as something beatable and studying as enjoying. Challenge yourself- see how much you can get done in a day. See what concepts you enjoy the most. Or better yet, set aside a time you think you can manage and do that per day. For example I am taking the LSAT for the first time in August and am also taking online classes right now, but I am challenging myself to study for the LSAT at least 2 hours per day. It's a lot with online classes and I end up doing work for 10 hours a day, but I feel productive knowing I got the LSAT studying in.

    I also personally like the LSAT much more than the SAT since there is no math, so I find that motivates me and I find myself having a much more positive attitude about the LSAT since I feel it is beatable (because there is no math)! A lot of the 7Sage lecture videos are really short which is good motivation as well. Just keep pressing to the next and remember why you are taking the LSAT! Good luck!

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