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LSAT Studying

cpedolzkycpedolzky Alum Member
edited May 2024 in June 2024 LSAT 24 karma

I am feeling overwhelmed and stressed with my first lsat exam coming up next week. I don't feel very prepared and i feel alone in this process. I think i am becoming mentally drained and taxed from studying and not seeing results I want. i am super busy and a undergraduate playing soccer and working. I have been studying for 6 months for the june lsat 3 days a week for 2 plus hours. Im not sure if im studying wrong. i take practice exams twice a week. Is reviewing and doing the drills the best way i learn i feel like the way im studying now isnt working and i would like to try somthing new for when i take the lsat exam in November. im tyring to decide if i should just cancel the june lsat and take my first one in novmber or at leat take it and get some exprience im not sure.


  • markmywordsmarkmywords Alum Member
    292 karma

    Whenever I listen to podcasts/hear from high scorers I've noticed one commonality is they mention how important prioritizing mental health is during the process. So whether it's exercising, meditation, and/or eating well, make sure you're taking care of yourself. You've got to get out of your head so you can get intuitive about what you need to progress to your goal score. I also think the first time taking the lsat is very intimidating no matter what. For me it was helpful to rip off the bandaid and just have the experience of taking it under my belt. I did a lot better than I thought and even though it wasn't my goal score it was super helpful to get used to how things work during the exam. Idk, might not be consensus advice but that's my take.

  • darlenemae.1997darlenemae.1997 Live Member
    77 karma

    If it makes you feel better, I have been studying for a year and not reaching my goal score as well. I am also taking the June lsat. For the past two weeks, I was on vacation and did 0 studying. What is even worst is that I got sick coming back home, so I am not motivated to get back into studying. Yet, I am still taking the June LSAT. I just have the mindset that I can always take it again. I don't want to withdraw because I have already signed leave from work to take it and everyone I know knows I am taking it. Shouldn't stop me from withdrawing, but oh well.

  • Older_LS_Applicant85Older_LS_Applicant85 Alum Member
    211 karma

    One of my frustrations at the moment is that I've been studying for more than a year and I've dedicated a lot of hours to LG and if I don't do well on LG or on the entire PT itself, all that work and time dedicated to that section goes down the drain. I'll definitely retake but all that I invested on LG will be for nothing if I don't do well on June 8th. Wish you could choose which sections you take.

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