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Stuck between two choices.

Hey all! I have been studying for a few months now and take my test here in October. I am SO close to a breakthrough but my issue is… on so many LR questions I am stuck between 2 answer choices. I choose one thinking it right and then it’s the other one that I thought about. I keep making the same mistake but I can’t seem to shake it. I feel like I review well and I know what I’m doing wrong but obviously I don’t if I keep choosing the wrong answer out of the 2 I think. Any tips or recommendations??


  • TRNiekrasTRNiekras Live Member
    2 karma

    Is this all the time or just with certain question types? My guess is there is a central concept, like sufficiency and necessity and how they translate / or how the LSAT uses wording in a convoluted way, that you might be messing up. LSAT loves trap answers, I've learned to look for a lot of these.

  • jagaarhalverson23jagaarhalverson23 Core Member
    19 karma

    Perfect! Yes most of my wrong answers are definitely within SA and NA.

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