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NYC in-person/zoom group for November LSAT

awesomepeaksawesomepeaks Live Member

Hi everyone! I am hoping to find people to study with who are aiming for 173+ in the upcoming exams! I have finished the 7Sage curriculum, and I am PT-ing in 160mid-160high. I’m looking for people who would also love to break the plateau and unlock the next level. My intention is that we take the same PTs - once/twice a week - and get together once a week (in-person is best; many nice public libraries in the city but Zoom could also work.) We will discuss questions we are getting wrong and our thought processes. We can dissect based on question type and discuss why some answer choices are correct/wrong. I’ve been told this is a great way to learn - that you’re able to teach someone else your mistakes. We also welcome other methods that would be helpful in a group discussion setting!

If you’re in a similar mindset, please add me on discord: @redlittlefruit
You can also drop your preferred social media/contact below and i can try to add you.

Good luck studying everyone!!!


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