First time using 7sage / studying for the lsat

martinirachel7martinirachel7 Core Member
in General 4 karma

hi everyone! i just took my diagnostic and did a BR. i signed up for 7sage. does anyone have any advice for a beginner lsat taker? Also does anyone have advice on when to drill while completing the curriculum? Thank you!


  • edited October 2024 333 karma


  • dianakmezagdianakmezag Alum Member
    34 karma

    I agree with the above comment, if I were starting from the beginning I would do a few things:

    -devote time to learning the lessons because everything will be easier when you understand the core concepts

    -don't stress too much about when you'll start drilling at the start because like the comment above stated, there are practice questions for you to do built into the curriculum

    -if you got a question right and you see that the video explanation is long, as long as you understand why the right answer was right you don't have to watch the whole video, this will save you a lot of time. I wish I had spent time watching the full length videos only when I was genuinely confused or lost, you don't get good noodle stars for watching hours of explanations when you don't need them, your time is precious!

    -get into the habit of asking yourself why the wrong answers are wrong, I think what I did a lot at the beginning of lesson learning was trying to apply the lessons to questions by asking myself which answer was right, which is great, but if you don't understand why the wrong answers are wrong in the first place you won't understand how trick answers tricked you in the first place

    -try, if you can, to get through the curricculum quickly. This maybe feels contradictory to my first statement but the reason why is because it's a long curricculum and I got discouraged after months of trying to get through it, I felt like I was taking too much time on it and that resulted in anxiety because I felt like I wasn't practicing tests qs enough. When I finally sat down and powered through it and started actual PTs I felt a lot better and more confident.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  • Cameron MartinezCameron Martinez Live Member
    9 karma

    Personally I took my diagnostic and began with the LSAT Trainer. While it helped, it didn't teach me the fundamentals. The Loophole (my favorite book) is something I recommend if you struggle with the fundamentals/need extra support. Its a good book to have.
    Your score increase will definitely depend on how well you understand the questions and tasks given! I haven't used 7sage for the curriculum but I think you should follow the advice above before anything. You've paid for a resource and should use it to the fullest extend. I would recommend doing drills and seeing how well you comprehend the content.

    I do a lot of drilling and practice with people on Em's LSAT Study Group on discord!
    If you want a community I recommend it since its free resources and a positive community!

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