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Just needed some words of encouragement.

ThegnomesThegnomes Live Member
in General 50 karma

😭 I am stressing out. I started studying just 6 weeks ago. Originally scored a 143 on the diagnostic. Now I am scoring an average of 158. Then I got a 171! couldn't believe it. Now I am back to mid 50s and honestly. I feel like crap. I think. I am burning out. I study around 10 hours a day, 5 days a week like a full-time job.

However... I deff am having the biggest issue with timing. Also second guessing myself. it is to stressful and I just needed to vent. I deff need to just take my own advice and take a freaking break.

I am taking the November exam on the 9th. So I don't have a ton of time. I feel like if I don't apply within the next 2 months, I am just not gonna make it. I do plan on taking the January exam as well but I feel like applying after that exam is just so freaking late. I have my letters, personal statement, etc all done. Just need the LSAT score.

Anyone else feeling discouraged or in a similar situation? I feel I should take a few days off despite being so close to test day. Any advice?



  • morrisjfullermorrisjfuller Alum Member
    48 karma


    Also taking the November test. I went through the whole process last year... two tests, got a 164, applied, got acceptances. Then I heard about the removal of logic games which were by far my worst section.

    I decided to do it all over again, withdraw from my acceptances, and bet on getting a significantly better score. My PT scores have been better, but I am so scared that the real thing goes wrong and I wasted a year of my life for basically nothing.

    Uncertainty is just part and parcel of standardized testing, particularly a test with as much significance as the LSAT. But it will be OK. Applying by November is plenty early, not as early as some crazy gunners but shit I put my apps in February of last cycle and had good options!

    I do think you should consider taking it easier, doing 50 hour weeks is really hard. Focus on your sleep and physical maintenance, that will count on Saturday.

    Good luck!! We will get through it.

  • ThegnomesThegnomes Live Member
    50 karma

    Thank you!!! 😭 I so needed to hear that.

    Yeah, I just can't let a year go by before applying again. Definitely made me feel much better hearing about applying after January and having good options. I quit my job and moved cross country 2 months ago so I didn't exactly have a ton of time to prep. 🤷‍♀️
    I decided to take a few days off to reset and rest.

    Good luck on the test! Let me know how you do.

  • Baloch1996-1Baloch1996-1 Live Member
    102 karma


  • montreu2montreu2 Live Member
    25 karma

    Hi!! I am also taking the November LSAT and have taken them in the past but my scores were not where I wanted them to be so I deferred a year to keep studying and apply this fall. I understand you being scared or nervous especially with it coming up this week I am as well but your scores are good as you said and just because the practice score went down does not mean you cannot get another 170 or more! I just keep telling myself I have put in the time and effort my scores are showing that there is no reason I will not do well next week. I do recommend to take a day or two before the test off do things that help you relax... I am still also studying now but I am seeing it as an opportunity to gain more points not see what I know. I dont recommend taking anymore practice test because you will stress yourself out. You put in the work and it will pay off be positive :)

  • 199 karma

    Sounds like you are putting too much pressure on yourself and overkilling it. Here is where the lie is, "I feel like if I don't apply within the next 2 months, I am just not gonna make it." Many people apply in February and March, even the deadline for admissions and make it in just fine. You scored a 171 so you do understand it but probably not relaxing enough to slow down to read the questions.

    FOr future reference, you can apply for accommodations through the LSAC to get time extended on the LSAT. I got a 150% time extension due to my ADHD

  • 199 karma

    ALso, I am doing live classes and drill sets, not PTs! The PTs will burn you out right now.

  • KrakenzzKrakenzz Live Member
    28 karma

    @Thegnomes said:
    😭 I am stressing out. I started studying just 6 weeks ago. Originally scored a 143 on the diagnostic. Now I am scoring an average of 158. Then I got a 171! couldn't believe it. Now I am back to mid 50s and honestly. I feel like crap. I think. I am burning out. I study around 10 hours a day, 5 days a week like a full-time job.

    However... I deff am having the biggest issue with timing. Also second guessing myself. it is to stressful and I just needed to vent. I deff need to just take my own advice and take a freaking break.

    I am taking the November exam on the 9th. So I don't have a ton of time. I feel like if I don't apply within the next 2 months, I am just not gonna make it. I do plan on taking the January exam as well but I feel like applying after that exam is just so freaking late. I have my letters, personal statement, etc all done. Just need the LSAT score.

    Anyone else feeling discouraged or in a similar situation? I feel I should take a few days off despite being so close to test day. Any advice?


    I am sorry. I have good news, but you aren't going to like it. You can score higher, evidently much higher, but I don't think you can fix it in a week. The good news is you can do it, the bad news is you might not make the law school window of this year. Ultimately I don't think an extra year matters.

    That being said I'm obviously a hypocrite, because I'm in the same place as you. My target score went up. I'm confident I can meet my target score, I'm not confident I can make it next week. I'm going to take it anyway and if I get a little "positive variance" on RC. I'm probably good. If not, I know what I need to work on.

    I will say I there are signs of burn out. Missing questions you could have solved but went "too quickly" on , misread the answer choices, misread the question stem etc. All of these things are indications you need to slow down. Cheers and good luck whatever you decide.

  • laurislauris Live Member
    10 karma

    I had the same experience, it was burnout. I took 3 days off and my scores and brain went back to where they were before. The amount of studying you are doing is not sustainable. I did the same thing as you over the summer, but just for2-3 weeks and the return on investment curve just flattens past 15-20hrs a week. Please take care of yourself, either way, you are not supposed to be studying so hard so close to testing date.

  • Aks_ZenMasterAks_ZenMaster Live Member
    86 karma

    I know the November LSAT is coming soon, but I definitely recommend taking 1-2 days off and honestly, reduce studying slightly then taking a Practice Test maybe on Monday or Tuesday. I used to do 8 hours of studying 7 days a week and saw a spike in my score and then I continued that and my score just kept going down and never went up.

    I took a break and reduced my hours of studying because honestly, I am only getting good studying in from hour 1 to hour 5, after that I'm just forcing myself to study and am not understanding things properly. I reduced my time and that has helped a lot!!

  • ThegnomesThegnomes Live Member
    50 karma

    Thank you all so much!!! I do have ADHD and I just didn’t have enough time to ask for accommodations. Might do that for the next exam.

    I am thinking I’ll wait and see what I get this Nov and then based on that score I’ll decide whether to apply or retake in January.

    Currently taking a few days off. I’m Deff stressed and in my own head.

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