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Law School Predictor Update

David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator

We just gave our Law School Predictor a major update. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I'm eager to hear how else we can improve it.


  • Late SummerLate Summer Live Member
    edited November 2024 128 karma

    International students + Time of Application

  • mibu21112mibu21112 Alum Member
    edited November 2024 8 karma

    Genuine question from someone that does not fully understand affirmative action. Does being an under-represented minority still affect chances of admissions? I thought that it was now illegal to use that as a determining factor??

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma

    @"Late Summer" we removed being international and time of application from the model because the data about those factors was too noisy.

    @mibu21112 in the 2023–2024 admissions cycle, which occurred after the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action, we observed a correlation between self-identified under-represented minority applicants and acceptance. We suspect that these applicants were able to convey their biographies in their applications, which had a positive impact on their chances.

  • matthew0280matthew0280 Alum Member
    67 karma

    Would love to see Canadian schools added!

  • khaidinh42khaidinh42 Live Member
    42 karma

    ED no longer a factor?

  • JojiVlogsJojiVlogs Live Member
    64 karma

    I think it would be neat to maybe have an option for students to voluntarily add their gpas, latest lsat score and date they submitted their application and law school responses (accepted, rejected, waitlisted etc.) I think this would help see trends. Especially with things like when students submitted their applications during admissions since that def affects chances.

  • abby_mccormickabby_mccormick Core Member
    21 karma

    Please add Canadian schools!

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma

    @khaidinh42 ED is definitely a factor, but we didn't have enough data to model it for every school.

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