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Just a PSA (but especially for girlies): Narcissistic abuse literally damages your brain and interferes with your reasoning and critical thinking abilities, processing speed, and memory. I went from being consistently getting around 95 percent correct to a much more variable percentage. Please preserve your brain power for studying for this test. Gaslighting can affect your ability to gauge the strength of premises, for example. Your goal is to figure out the validity of the arguments on the LSAT instead of the validity of someone's son's lies. Abusive people force you to reason like them, which does not translate to the best results on the LSAT. Having to sift through 27 lies a day is equivalent to the mental load of doing 27 extra practice questions that actually make you worse instead of better.
OOP you did not have to snap like this now say it again for the ones in the back
I concur
Experienced this firsthand with a narcissistic partner. It is like your brain is highjacked. Suddenly you accept arguments that you know make no sense, where the conclusion clearly doesn't follow from the premises. Instead of realizing what you heard is ludicrous you're like, "Yeah, that kinda makes sense." And then you start arguing for bad conclusions like arguing for the wrong answer on the LSAT. Needless to say, these are bad habits to take into the test. Say no.
just deleted hinge for the 7sage app thx girl
I really do pray for women. I have zero tolerance for men. Any kind of BS they give is met with disrespect and aggression. And after all of that I gotta curse out his mother. Yall stay safe out there. Men come and go but your LSAT score last forever.
was not expecting to get this type of advice on 7sage but definitely agree with this LOL
omg thank u
I'm praying you ladies find the one.
Wait I love this
I need this printed and framed I fear
I agree
taking this as sign lol
Narcissistic abuse is , according to you, correlated with lower lsat PT scores. Therefore, the abuse causes the lower scores. Maybe the causation is reversed? Maybe your lower test scores caused your mood to plummet which made you more vulnerable to that abuse? Or perhaps there's a third factor causing both the Narcissistic abuse and the lower scores on your PT's? It's worth thinking about , correlative conclusions are often specious
You know what, hell yeah.
Alternatively: sounds like a really great way to run drills without accidentally contaminating practice tests
Was studying for the LSAT while engaged. Let's just say I'm single now lmaoo
No tell me why I deliberately use the LSAT as an excuse to not date ...
zamn everybody got bad relationships... but a 95 ain't shabby
Allow yourself a few days off before you kick back into practice. The LSAT also wants us to not take the bait when they sneak in a bad narcissistic answer choice in our life, we slowly learn to avoid them and ever better get rid of them. Also, no blanket assumptions on this test and in life, so don't give up, you've got better things in store for you!
you will never have a time in your life where you get a higher return on investment for each hour of studying than you will for the LSAT
if you already have a loving partner, great, but take this shit serious, get it done, and move forward with your life. you owe it to yourself because you want and deserve great things
started studying with a boyfriend, ending my studying this month without one
keep your head in the game ladies
That's a good point. The same applies to law school. I proposed to my ex during my 1L and attended her graduation, but she secretly had a week-long romance with another man. I discovered this just three days before my finals during 2L. Even the proctor asked me, “Are you okay?” As a result, my exams didn’t go well, and I had to say goodbye to my big law ambitions. So, my advice is to avoid dating or falling in love while in school, too
My new line and motto: The only D I care about and need is my JD ... boy bye lol
Its as if you read my mind. Detoxing from social media and this waste of time of a Boy-Friend
I can't even lie you ate with this discussion!! I agree though 100%
I dated someone for a month, only to find out he had been in an eight-year relationship with someone else. Of course, I had no idea and was caught in a web of lies. When I discovered the truth, it turned into a full-blown spectacle.
Beyond the emotional toll of this experience, relationships in general demand a lot of energy and time. This situation significantly impacted my studies, but now I’m back on track. I’m implementing strategies to stay fully focused on the exam - one of them: no more dating for the rest of the year.
"Your goal is to figure out the validity of the arguments on the LSAT instead of the validity of someone's son's lies." you ate with this sis
I am currently in a long term healthy relationship, and regardless I have made it clear that studying is my priority. We are all opening a new chapter of our lives and are young. It’s important we prioritize ourselves over any relationship, because we have the rest of our lives to sacrifice things for a partner. This is not the time.
This thread is a good break from studying and getting a few laughs in. Thank you all.
what's with the assumption that every relationship is narcissistic