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LSAT Preptests

jenniferthelusmajenniferthelusma Alum Member
in General 6 karma
Is there any mechanism by which we can switch the preptests that show up in our syllabus to ones we have access to? In my specific case, I have the LSAT starter course but bought preptests 29-38 and 52-61 but my course only allows me to input my progress for tests 36 through 42, I wonder if there is anyway to change that without upgrading my course.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You should be able to do whatever you want through the analytics page, so I don't know why it really matters what is on the syllabus. Just keep track of PTs in Excel if you need to, that way you can enter other situational factors to improve your analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. If the other tests were on your syllabus that would mean you have access to the explanations, which is what you're really paying for when you upgrade. Stick to the analytics page for analysis and you should be fine.
  • jenniferthelusmajenniferthelusma Alum Member
    6 karma
    okay, thank you!!
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