Many of us took the test today.
I have no idea how I did, I'm simply incapable of judging myself the way I usually can after doing a PT.
So, how do you all think you did?
If anyone needs help figuring out which section was experimental, I'd be happy to help.
*edit* sorry for violating TOS, thank you for redacting part of the comment, lol..
Ah well. I hope we all did better than we think we did, or as well as we think we did! Cheers!
And Max, I agree. I am trying to be very vague, but still.
Also, I feel like there was no easy logic game in that test... The first 3 were medium to medium-hard, and the circular one was REALLY F*cking hard and time consuming. I thought it was really unfair of them to do that to us in the real LG section.
My experimental LG section was normal, in that the first was easy, the second and fourth were mediums, and the third was pretty hard. However, the third had a serious grammar error so I knew it was an experimental
It sucks that they don't do the LSAT curve per test, and they do it by whole years instead. Otherwise, we might have stood a chance. but I think our scores will suck now.
What surprised me the most was that the proctors were so cool... I always read (online somwhere) that the proctors are like TSA agents, but mines were cool, cracked jokes, and gave a genuinely supportive vibe, they even told a guy to go put his phone in his car when he had it (before the test started, of course)... But yeah... Super cool people. (Maybe it is because I took in the Miami, fl Area, but yea..)
One thing, was that the Reading Comp section seemed pretty easy, I am not sure this is because of where it was placed (I don't wanna give it away), but I really found the readings interesting and think I got almost all of it right. Another thing was that I did review the reading comp videos of JY before the test, which I guessed help, because I heard his voice narrating the passage lol.
Anyway... I hope else everyone did well too.
At my test centre some kid had the audacity to bring his phone into the room (after lying to the proctors) AND further had the audacity to pick it up when it rang...
This happened in the second section and that was RC for me. It sucks because I was feeling good about it in the beginning but then it went downhill after he totally destroyed my rhythm. And to top it off it took him 5-6 minutes to gather his things and left by slamming his desk (classy I know).
The people at my centre were beyond pissed. We are going to call LSAC on Monday and file a complaint. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? I feel like I got the short end of the stick here
gUys i was miserable about the circle game too
I feel much better knowing my fellow educated colleagues found it difficult too
how do you guys think the score in general will work in terms of curving based on this?
I think the last circular game in a disclosed LSAT showed up on PT 41, Oct. 2003 which is over 10 years ago.
Thanks to your comments here, I amended my advice there from basically "It's a rare game" to "It showed up again in a future undisclosed LSAT".
This got me thinking, if the LSAC had a weird game type that they only toss into the February tests, most of us will never know. People mostly likely see only 1 February LSAT ever and wouldn't detect the trend. If you try to extrapolate from disclosed LSATs, you also wouldn't detect the trend.
This is purely conjecture though with nearly no supporting evidence.
Unfortunately, LSAC does not always obey our orders.
It just stinks to have something come up that you had no reason to believe it would! This course made it so I didn't not leave in tears
First, we had to move rooms after we'd all checked in and settled.
Secondly, the proctor announced "5 minutes left" after only 25 minutes and TOTALLY fucked up my rhythm. I was on pace to finish the section I was on with a minute or two to spare and I panicked, skipped 3 questions, and then had to go back to them...only to have her announce that we had 5 more minutes when I thought we were out.
Thirdly, they kept us waiting for 25 minutes instead of 15. Man, 15 is enough! My heart was racing and to have 10 extra minutes of anxiety was definitely not appreciated.
And then after the exam, they were just dawdling about for 15 minutes after we'd handed in the exam (I didn't realize this wasn't standard, but 2 people who'd written the LSAT prior said that after they announced that the writing sample section was over, they waited for about 2 more minutes and were then released. We waited AT LEAST 15).
And that LG with the circular game. Man, I can't believe how tough it was. Seriously there wasn't even a moderately easy or "by the book" game. They were all unorthodox and tricky and that final circular game was the icing on top. Luckily I wrote it last. If that had been one of my first sections, I would've been totally frazzled for the rest of the exam.
I have to say though, getting lumped in with PowerScore... ouch, that hurts. But, that's fine. I deserved it.
I'll do better next time!
After a week with your course, I was 'owning' games in 5 mins! Except the circular games which I just wasn't seeing a lot of then. So I gambled and strengthened my skill in sequencing and grouping. Totally my fault. In no way do I think 7sage and Powerscore can be 'lumped' together! This course is 10x better than those books/methods!
At the end of the day your hard work has paid off. You all have demonstrated great discipline, courage and determination in your studies AND completion of the LSAT.
so again BE PROUD no matter the outcome.