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Relative difficulties of sections over time?

xander787xander787 Alum Member
in General 108 karma
So I'm on my 15th PT now (just took PT50) and I've been noticing that the Logic Games section in the last like 8 tests I've taken PT43 - PT50 have all been listed on 7sage's score tracker as a difficulty of only 1/5. Is it typical for LSATs in later years also to consistently have easier logic games sections and more difficult LR and RC sections? Or is it pretty random and this has just been a crazy fluke streak of really easy logic games sections?

I'm just wondering because I used to do pretty spotty on logic games and would have a lot of variability in how many I missed in that section, but by the time I fixed it and was able to get much more consistent (I've thankfully gone -0 on the games for like 7 tests in a row now) I started to notice that the game sections themselves were actually easier too. Hoping that my skills haven't only been honed for the easier games or at least that what I've been practicing so far is representative of the typical relative difficulty of the section as a whole


  • Faaabs93Faaabs93 Alum Member
    edited August 2015 82 karma
    I was also getting perfect on all of the logic games sections from PT49 to PT 55. Then for 55 and 56 I got one wrong, and noticed that they were harder.

    So it seems that it's not always the case that they will be that easy, but they're definitely easier than the games from PT1-30. Some of those are just filled with convoluted language, which makes the restrictions so hard to understand (at least in my opinion).
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    Over time, LG sections become easier because you start to get the hang of them. But between the tests the difficulty is pretty consistent. Some tests have easier game counterbalanced by slightly harder LR/RC, sometimes it's the opposite, and sometimes you have a test of just moderate difficulty for each section. You may look back on different testing eras and think "wow these few tests are pretty easy games" but there's no way to really tell that trend in the moment. If you were placing a bet, bet on consistency.
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