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questions at the end

jac376jac376 Free Trial Member
in General 23 karma
I notice that almost ALL the questions I get wrong on PT (not many) are at or near the end each section. These are questions I worked on, and answered; I didn't have to guess. Also I generally don't have problems running out of time before I'm done with all the questions, so I don't think I was rushing it...

Any comments on why this may be? Any suggestions? I can't help but feel there's a psychological reason this keeps happening to me.


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    There are exceptions (especially in the newer exams) but questions typically get harder as the section progresses.

    It's totally normal to miss questions in the latter portion each section. It's to be accepted. You say you don't have trouble with timing but consider shoring up the easier questions to allow for even more time to confirm answers at the end of the section.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Do you finish 5 minutes early? Or do you finish right on time? If it's the former then I think you just have a mental block on these questions whereby you are overestimating their difficulty. If it is the latter then whether it's conscious or not, you are rushed at the end. Do you get these questions right on BR? Or do you still not understand what they're looking for then?
  • jac376jac376 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    I get them right on BR. Thanks for the advice, I'm probably rushed without realizing it.
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