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Reviewing Logical Reasoning

ginaaaaaaaaginaaaaaaaa Member
in General 32 karma
Hey guys! I hope preparing for the Oct. LSAT is going well for you :) I was wondering how you review for logical reasoning questions after getting them wrong. For logic games, we are told to print out 10 clean copies and to do them frequently until we get them right. How do you do this for logical reasoning? Sometimes, I notice that I end up memorizing the answer choice and that really doesn't consolidate my knowledge about it.



  • jyang72jyang72 Alum Member
    844 karma
    I would erase how I formed my reasoning on the paper and watch explanation. If necessary, I will cut this question and pasted it on my notebook. I will do them again and again until my notebook gets lighter and lighter.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Make sure you're doing an excellent BR with a clean copy of the test, then @jyang72 mentions a good way to go which is to copy and paste clean versions of the questions you got wrong into a notebook (I do it on my computer so I just use Word/Powerpoint) and then do this until you have a short drilling section or a full 25 question LR section. I'd say I have about 5-6 full LR sections from all the questions I got wrong over the course of all the PTs I've taken and now I can use them to drill or as a 5th section during PTs.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    This is such a good idea...especially the 5th section part.
  • lpadr009lpadr009 Free Trial Member
    379 karma
    They key is to understand why 4 are wrong, and 1 is right. You might memorize the answer but I you know why 4 are wrong, and 1 is're doing it right!
  • ginaaaaaaaaginaaaaaaaa Member
    32 karma
    Thanks so much for the suggestions! I will try them out and hopefully improve :)
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