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First PTs after 7Sage curriculum

KevinSageKevinSage Alum Member
in General 260 karma
How did you do compared to your first diagnostic? I'm very curious since I finish the curriculum next week and start PT'ing the following week.
Was it something drastic?
In addition, timing still seems to be a bit of a problem when drilling. Hopefully when I start PT'ing the rhythm just comes naturally after seeing so many questions!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Don't expect anything drastic because you haven't been taking PTs. It will take at least 5 PTs before you really start to get into a groove so don't be disheartened by not being much above your diagnostic. I was only 4 or 5 points above mine at first but it gets better once you get used to PTs. Timing will come as you improve your fundamentals and PT taking skills. If you need to start off with some hard line timing strategies then you can experiment with some of those and see how that works for you.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    You will likely not see much of a difference between your diag and your first PT, but don't get discouraged it's completely normal (as is getting discouraged at your first PT post curriculum lol).

    Taking PTs is a skill all on its own, and since you haven't practiced this skill, it's natural for you to feel overwhelmed during the initial run through. Just give it a few tests to get your feels right, and then all the work you've put I'm will start showing through.

    Good luck!
  • Faaabs93Faaabs93 Alum Member
    82 karma
    It depends on how you've been studying, really.

    My diag was around a 143, and my first PT was a 160 on the dot. I'm mid-160s now.

    That being said, starting doing preptests. Doing them has helped me comprehend the material so much. My score may only be 5/6 points above my 2nd PT, but I actually understand the test more.

    So if your 2nd PT is low, don't be discouraged. Find out where you went wrong, work on it, and do another. More PTs helps you "lock in" your score, and move away from huge fluctuations (ie getting 165 on one test but 157 on another).

    Best of luck! :)
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Should also caveat what's been said with the following statement that should be pretty obvious: the higher your diagnostic the more likely that your first PT following the curriculum will not vary too much from that number. If you're in the 130s or 140s on your diagnostic then you're highly likely to see a much bigger jump right away and then it's just a matter of sustaining that.
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