Hi guys, I just finished the core curriculum and decide to take some days off before start taking PT. I will be a senior student this fall semester. I wonder what is the best way to take PT. J.Y. asks us to take stimulated LSAT practice. However, I doubt if I have 4 hours during the morning when the semester begins. Is it ok for me, let's say, to break a PT into 4 different sections and finish them separately? I hope you can give me some advises. My new semester is about to come, although I have the ambition to balance my LSAT and academic goal, I started to feel stressed because I don't know if I can handle it. Please suggest me the most helpful way to take PT. If it is really necessary, I can still make the four-hour morning stimulated practice happen. In addition, do you think 1 PT per week is enough and reasonable for a full-time student? Thank you so much!
In addition, how you guys took the PT. J.Y recommends us to make our PT situation the same as the situation in which we take real LSAT. I think it is a great idea. However, I realize that each PT will cost me around 20 printing papers. I am so scared to cut many trees like this. However, if you guys think this is the most helpful way to do PT, I will definitely oblige it
I really appreciate your sharing and helps.
About the PTs, you should be printing them out. You're gonna want to replicate testing conditions as closely as possible, and that means doing tests on paper. When you're done, just recycle them instead of throwing them in the garage!
For some LG tips check this out: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2737/logic-games-attack-strategy
Pretty sure this still has some decent resources for getting paper PTs since PDFs are vanishing: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2770/list-of-affordable-pts-paperback-hard-copy
Just tell yourself that you'll be a good enough lawyer to warrant cutting down one tree for your prep... and if you're gonna get really crazy about it then just go and plant a couple trees somewhere... problem solved. FWIW, the electricity you're using to power your tablet is probably worse for the environment anyways.
Benefit of taking full PT's is that you build your stamina. That's indispensable for test day. But the world will certianly not end if you split up some of your PT's some of the time. Yeah I'm not a baller like Corey ... He cray ... Exception that proves the rule ...
In any case, the trees are already cut down, so the real question is whether the paper is gonna be used to help you rock the LSAT or if it's gonna be used to print out someone's iTune's agreement.
I would appreciate your help and suggestion.