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Opinions on study schedule for Dec LSAT

diana1493diana1493 Alum Member
in General 78 karma
New to 7Sage discussions, but I love how everyone seems very helpful and genuine. I am currently studying for the Dec test, and wanted some opinions on what is going to be more beneficial in these last 2 months and a half.
I currently am PT'ing around 168-169 average, BR around 173-175. My goal for the exam is in the 170-172 range. I would probably not retake if I hit 170. But I also know people's average scores tend to drop 2-3 points, so I want to be at about a 174~ average by the end of my PTs.
I am wrapping up a Testmasters course and have gone through most of the LSAT starter kit to supplement areas where I felt TM lacked (a lot lol). As of now, my main focus is drilling problem areas and PT'ing. I currently have PT 29-38, and like 25 more modern PTs (52+range). I also have the Cambridge packets for all LG PT 1-38, and for Weaken, Flaw, and NA since those are my weak areas. I want to look into some sort of prep for RC, because I do tend to miss avg 5 for this section, but not sure which packet or prep method is best for this.

Now that I am more wise in terms of LSAT prep, I realize that doing PT's 38 and below can be good practice for timing and comfortability but because I am drilling with those older problems my scores are always inflated for the older tests. like 179-180 range haha, which is inconsistent with my scores for newer exams that I have taken through TM. So would it be worth it to buy a few more PT's to avoid having to PT with the older exams?

Is my time better spent drilling or taking more PTs? I currently have like 30 PTs scheduled between now and the Dec test date.
As far as my time available to devote to LSAT, I currently work about 25-30 hours a week and that will increase to 35+ around mid-October.

Opinions and thoughts, thanks!


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @diana1493 said:
    like 25 more modern PTs (52+range)
    100% get your hands on as many (read: ALL) of the modern PT's—I'd say 45–76 (which will be Oct 2015) for sure. Don't waste much time with the earlier PT's until you've taken all of the modern ones (and retaken plenty of them to get in extra practice on the most modern material).

    Set your sights high—you're poised to take the prize!!!

    Don't take more than 3 PT's a week :D And BR EVERY (!!!) PT you do. You're scoring high enough to cut out drilling altogether. Come back in 2 months if you're struggling with a particular QT or game type and we'll talk about possible drill plans (and it won't involve much—just enough to firm up the squishy bits).


    1) Get all of 45–75/76
    2) 2-3 PT's a week
    3) BR ALL THE PT'S till you can't BR no more and BR scores are all very close to 180
    4) No drilling unless/until the LSAT Doctors (... I guess that would be us ...) prescribe as needed.

    That's what I would do if I were you :)
  • diana1493diana1493 Alum Member
    78 karma
    @nicole.hopkins Thank you so much for the recommendations, I have been lurking on here for a bit and you are so awesome! Should I take every PT with 5 sections?
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @diana1493 said:
    Should I take every PT with 5 sections?
    Great question!!

    Use those early test sections you have to "build" a 5 section PT. It doesn't matter that you "will know which one is the 5th section"—we do 5 section PT's to build stamina. I usually recommend adding in whichever section is your weak link at a given moment. Or whichever one makes you the most tired :)
  • diana1493diana1493 Alum Member
    78 karma
    @nicole.hopkins Thanks once again!
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