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PT Scores Remaining Constant

Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
in General 1650 karma
Quick question,

My PT scores overall, and for the last 10 tests especially, have remained constant:

159: 1
160: 1
162: 1
163: 6
164: 1

(in no particular order)

These exams have all been from PTs 55-66, so newer material. All of my BR ranges from 168-172. I have been at this since March, with a diagnostic score of 148. Have I peaked? What can I do to surge another couple points before test day?

I typically take a PT every other day, with BR, LG drills or study of a certain LR question type on the in between days.

Any help would be great!


  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    First of all congrats with your improvement! If you're really taking a 3-4 PT's a week, that's pushing the limits IMO.

    If you're taking the Oct test we have just about 2 weeks left. I would taper down to 2-3PT's this upcoming week and then 1-2PT's the week of. I suggest maybe using more PT days to drill your weaknesses.
  • GordonBombayGordonBombay Alum Member
    456 karma
    Wow this is scary accurate for my last ten PT's/BR/initial diagnostic as well. Also started prepping early March. I've been having similar thoughts as you in regards to peaking. I can't say for sure if we have peaked in general, but I feel pretty confident in saying that we've most likely peaked for the October exam.

    For what it's worth I'll be cutting back on the PT's a bit, only taking 1 PT per week with really thorough BR's (especially on the two LR sections). I plan on spending the extra time on doing timed LG sections (prob 5 - 6 per week) to make sure my LG is on point for October, and also reviewing some LR lessons in the LSAT Trainer just to make sure I'm not getting sloppy in my fundamentals after being in the PT stage of prep for so long.

    Will also add that I would advise taking some PT's in the 70's before October just to get a feel for these newer tests. Good luck to you man it's almost show time!

  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma

    Nice to know someone else in my shoes. It can be frustrating at times to be stagnant in PT scores, but I always remind myself of the progress made since the diagnostic. I think I'm going to save 67-71 for drilling/fresh PTs in the event of a December retake, and focus on taking the most recent PTs over the course of these last 2 weeks.

    Best of luck to you too, let's get 'em
  • rdelamatrdelamat Member
    47 karma
    Same here actually. Initial diagnostic was 148 back in June. Been at it ever since. Last 10 PT's (with the exception of one) have either been 159, 160, or 161. I took two days off of studying completely before my most recent test and I hit a breakthrough score of 166 (PT 73). Didn't even look at LSAT material for those two days until the night before and morning of when I did some problems for practice. Thinking about trying this again, but it's always a little scary to go days without studying haha just thought I'd mention it though. I think we just need a break sometimes to reset ourselves. Coming back from that break got me weirdly excited to take the test - it was like I left defeated only to return and take back my pride. I think we forget how important it is to be in a good mood when confronting this thing. The effects of frustration persist beyond the feeling of frustration itself.

    I plan on taking around 6 more PT's between here and the test, but I mostly want to drill the hell out of RC since that's my current weak point.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @rdelamat said:
    Coming back from that break got me weirdly excited to take the test - it was like I left defeated only to return and take back my pride. I think we forget how important it is to be in a good mood when confronting this thing. The effects of frustration persist beyond the feeling of frustration itself.
    quote of the day
  • lsatblitzlsatblitz Alum Member
    521 karma
    The low to mid 160's have been incredibly difficult for me to surpass as well.

    A few more really good BR sessions may be the only thing standing in our way of that breakthrough score. Keep at it.
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