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How Long to Take

bbutlerbbutler Inactive ⭐
in General 401 karma
I understand that everybody moves at their own pace and that everyone's goals are different but does anyone know how long the course is supposed to take you to get through? I've started 2 weeks ago and I'm almost 55% through the material as it is but I'm very concerned with not retaining the material by rushing through to try to get to take tests. I've studied a little bit with other methods before I found 7sage but I'm just curious how long it took other people to go through the material before they start really taking prep tests. I took 2 tests before I found 7sage, the highest was 162, and I plan on taking at least 30 before December because I understand that taking tests and BR are really where you see your big gains. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated and good luck to everyone studying!


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @bbutler said:
    I plan on taking at least 30 before December
    careful ... burnout defeats gains ... how many PT's are you thinking you would take per week? maths ... my gut says "yikes"
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    That's about 3 per week so not too bad IMO...
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited September 2015 7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    That's about 3 per week so not too bad IMO...
    They're not done with the curriculum, and there are 10 weeks til the exam. 3 a week assumes they start taking PT's NOW, which of course we would not advise (OP having not finished the curriculum). That also assumes no breaks whatsoever and no need for additional review, drilling, etc. let alone for "life events."
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Sounds good to me :P

    Great job pointing out the necessary assumptions as well!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    Great job pointing out the necessary assumptions as well!
    Haha!!! You know me, always pre-phrasing them gaps ...

  • bbutlerbbutler Inactive ⭐
    401 karma
    I was planning on taking 2-3 week max and focusing on the BR when I finish the curriculum. I know that more than that and the exams will lose their effectiveness drastically. The plan was to have the material down by October 3rd and then focus on exams, BR and drilling. So basically I would start with 2 exams a week with 1 day off a week (what I'm currently doing). Take the exam in the morning just like they would be for the actual one, then BR later in the day and the next day as well. Then after I've BR and scored it then I would drill the types of questions I missed and type up any notes I had of various questions I missed as well. Rinse and repeat and then eventually work myself up to 3 exams a week max.
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    This was actually a bit discouraging for me! I started the curriculum a while ago but, as is the case for most of us, work and friends and relationships...and life... have gotten in the way of my initial goals. I am not even half way through the curriculum (although I am close to this point..) and was planning on writing in December. Actually.. that is pretty much my only option as I refuse to wait another year before going to law school (I wish to attend fall 2016). Feb LSAT is my back up, and I fully intend, regardless of my mark in December, to write then as well for a second mark. Any suggestions on how many hours I should be putting in, or when I should aim to have the curriculum completely finished in order to stay on track for Dec.?

    Ps.. I'm a bit of a softy.. Although I invite all opinions, please try not to be discouraging. I fully agree with the initial poster's comment in saying that everyone studies, and progresses at their own pace. I naturally excel in exam-type situations and although the LSAT is much different from most other exams (e.g. undergrad), I still do think I have the ability to do well in Dec., regardless of any time constraint. (..trying to be positive ..... lol).

    Thanks all :)
  • beth.flandersbeth.flanders Alum Member
    212 karma
    @bbutler, did you try using the study schedule tool? It's a very helpful tool with keeping on track with the course and with taking PT's and it's customizable.
  • DaveH162DaveH162 Alum Member
    221 karma
    @mcmlaw36 with all due respect be careful with taking the approach that since you have been good at taking tests in the past that you will naturally excel come test day. While you said you are still in the curriculum, you should begin doing full sections and tests under very strict time constraints once you have progressed through the course. "Make training a priority because under pressure you will not rise to the occasion but sink to the level of your training". Stay positive but be prepared
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @DaveH162 said:
    "Make training a priority because under pressure you will not rise to the occasion but sink to the level of your training". Stay positive but be prepared
    Wiser words I have not yet heard!
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