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Strategy for Comparative Passages

medb1234medb1234 Alum Member
edited September 2015 in October 2015 LSAT 29 karma
Hey guys! A comparative passage question-
I recently watched J.Y.'s explanation for PT 75, and he stated that he tried and really liked the strategy of reading passage A, trying to eliminate answer choices based on his reading of only passage A, then going back to passage B and finally finish answering the questions.
I have never done this before, and was wondering if anyone else had/ if they suggest doing this.


  • LSATdogfmlLSATdogfml Free Trial Member
    62 karma
    Never did this but it sounds like a cool idea. Do all the Passage A only questions before your memory get's contaminated with Passage B. And since a single passage is so short, the odds of getting all the Passage A questions right are in your favour. I'd consider that. In fact, Imma do that from now on.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Honestly... I did this with a passage yesterday and I thought it helped tremendously.
    I find it really hard to keep the ideas in the two passages separate, but when you go through the questions having read just one (sometimes just 2 paragraph) passage, you can EASILY eliminate what doesn't apply at all to A or is incorrect phrasing/rewording of what was presented. Especially the "what was common in both" type questions.
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