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Is Febrary too late??

ChrissyChrissy Free Trial Member
edited October 2015 in General 47 karma
i just took October LSAT and I have no idea what happened. I found 7sage to late in the game so didn't have time to use a course. Is it bad to take Febrary LSAT? Will this give me enough time? I am only scoring around 151 so do I need more time. and take another year to study. (I am 25 -26 in February. - so is that too old to wait another year?) --sorry freaking out a little


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    I'm 31 about to turn 32 and am probably waiting another year to max out my score as much as possible. Age is never a limiting factor until you tell yourself it is... And then you start rushing things before you're ready. You're still young... Don't let impatience cost you down the line.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Can't comment on the age since I'm younger than you but apply when you are ready to apply. That includes having a high score that you would be content applying with.

    Applying in late feb/early March would drastically limit your ability to collect scholarships so I recommend applying first thing the following cycle.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    There are 60+ year olds on here and I tested with several middle aged people today... Law school will always be there when you're ready... It better to set yourself up for a good situation scholarship and school wise so there's no need to rush anything... I also don't understand why anyone would want to take February just because it's not disclosed... Shoot for June and October 2016 and get some more experience to put on your resume.
  • ChrissyChrissy Free Trial Member
    47 karma
    Thank you everyone! I think I will take everyones advice. I will see how I will do on the October. And if it is not good I will look at the packages. I have been a paralegal for four years so I will continue with this job and study really hard to increase my score as much as I can.
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