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October 2015 LSAT-Very Unsure

Ravi.SinghRavi.Singh Alum Member
in General 27 karma
I started studying for the LSAT in Mid-July and studied intensively till right before the October test. I was pt'ing at about 170-173 range for a long time. I took about 30 times PT's. I noticed that as I got up in the PT's to the 70s my numbers slightly dropped to the lower end of the spectrum 170 and some 169's. Regardless I took the October LSAT and while it seemed relatively easy while I was taking it. I feel extremely uncertain. If I get below a 170 I am 100% retaking. Should I continue to study from now until I get my score? I've also burned through all of my PT's. How should I prepare? My score breakdown has been remarkably consistent across all tests with
LR at -0 to -4 (combined)
RC at -0 to -3
LG at 0 (in the easy pt 40s) to -7 or 8! Usually around -3 to -5.
I've been through the trainer (not the logic game section) and the entire 7sage curriculum.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Take a week off... Completely off... Then you really should shore up your LG skills because you're leaving points on the table... A week or two with the bundle should suffice.... Then retake 60+ and just focus on the learning process and excellent BR rather than your inflated score.
  • Ravi.SinghRavi.Singh Alum Member
    27 karma
    Thanks a lot Pacifico! I will take your advice and try to stay off for the week.
  • DByrne07DByrne07 Core Member
    279 karma
    There is value to retaking the Old PTs.... You still hone in skills necessary to recognize questions for LR and get to redo LGs...
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