So I took the LSAT this past weekend and there were several procedural errors.
!) 2 students were admitted after the test books and answer sheets had been gicen out and after we had already bubbled in our names and wrote the statement. Nothing was reread to those who came in late.
2) The proctors forgot to tell us when 5 minutes were left for the first 2 sections
3) Because we weren't given the 5 minute warning for sections 1 and 2, one student requested if he could transfer answers from his test book to his answer sheet during the break(apparently he likes to answer all the questions in the book and then go back and fill in the answer sheet, but was unable to do so because he wasn't given the warning) SO DURING THE BREAK THE PROCTOR GAVE HIM HIS TEST BOOK AND ANSWER SHEET AND LET HIM WORK ON IT FOR ALMOST 10 MINUTES
4)Several people brought phones which were confiscated. However the phones were not turned off and several times they went off with emergency alerts( Took the test in Carolinas where it is flooding)
The other stuff however definitely I see some concerns. Phones ringing out be quite distracting. But if you have a watch a 5 min warning isn't necessary.
"Your complaint must be received by LSAC within six calendar days after the administration via fax, letter, or email. It is your responsibility to keep proof of LSAC's receipt of your complaint (i.e., a fax transmittal report); however, no such proof will be accepted beyond 14 calendar days after the test."
you should file a complaint so that it's on the record.