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Circling Answers

ctyhowectyhowe Alum Member
edited March 2014 in General 5 karma
When circling answers into the bubble sheet or practice sheet, do you recommend going by every answer or waiting until 5 minutes then transferring them? I have heard both from different sources. I want to use my time wisely.


  • E.T.90066-1E.T.90066-1 Alum Member
    377 karma
    I tend to make mistakes if I wait and transfer 5 at a time, I would just transfer as soon as I get the answer. If I skip a question I still mark a letter by the way.
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    I transferred in sections. For LR, when I would turn a page. For LG, per LG. For RC, per RC.

    Whatever you choose to do, develop a habit of it so that you don't slip up.
  • retaker2014retaker2014 Alum Member
    edited April 2014 99 karma
    Bubbling in after every question works better for me on logical reasoning because of the the rhythm it allows me to get into. I do the same for LG and RC - although its less of a rhythm issue.

    On logic games, I imagine that going game-by-game could be beneficial because you could focus on keying into that mental mode of drawing different inferences and 'seeing the game'. But I still bubble in question by question because I tend to make mistakes if I transfer answers after each game, or after each reading passage for that matter. I would get paranoid about having made a mistake - so I would go back and recheck my answers.
  • ctyhowectyhowe Alum Member
    5 karma
    Thanks. I want to finish the question and be done with it. I don't want to allow a chance to rethink all my answered questions even though some are wrong. I think it will be a time waster.
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