@nicole.hopkins I can see it now. Bryan Wilson, "The Texas Law Hawk" VS Jim Adler, "The Texas Hammer". WWE wrestling match or legal trial? Who knows. This is Texas.
@slizzard said: I went to TCU, this hits too close to home for me...
He's an Aggie but from Ft. Worth ... I mean if you're gonna film anything there it'd better be at the Stockyards. Fun fact, I learned from an Aggie friend that "gig em" refers to gagging frogs, meaning, horned frogs.
I was laughing so hard until he smashes the box with a little person in it.... just.... it took a turn to WTF... and then I realized there is no self-awareness in this add at all.
@DumbHollywoodActor said: The final moment, when he actually sounds like a real human, is the funniest part of that commercial to me. Such a brilliant reversal!
He's feeling some kind of burn.