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Confidence Shaken... :(

LARamsNationLARamsNation Member
in General 592 karma
Not looking for a pity party, just some advice from others who have shared similar experiences. I was doing well, scoring in the low160's for the majority of PT's in the 50's... But as I got to PT 58, 59 and 60 I noticed a considerable drop... especially in LR. With 5 weeks left, I'm starting to panic a little.. Should I go back and review some weaknesses or should I just keep trucking through with practice tests/ BR ? My logic games and RC seem to be OK, but now I'm second guessing myself left and right with LR -- I get the answer down to two possible choices and, what it seems like, that I always manage to choose the wrong one. I know I need to tweak the skills of my weak question types, but I feel like nerves are starting to play a factor... I'm much quicker to get flustered and throw my hands up in there ready to say fuck the whole thing. It's been three tests in a row now where I haven't been able to crack 160.. and now I'm about to take another (161). Ugh, the psychological mind fucks on this exam are unparalleled to anything I've ever come across in my life. Any advice is appreciated, cheers!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited October 2015 8021 karma
    What does your BR look like?
  • rav.corn91rav.corn91 Member
    10 karma
    I am in the same boat right now.
  • Artwork94Artwork94 Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    haha ditto
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Well, obviously the worst thing you can do is just throw your hands up and say to hell with it. With a mindset such as this, I would consider taking a few days off and regrouping mentally. The lower scores all of sudden could be burnout creeping in. And, the propensity to just say to hell with could definitely be a sign of burnout. I know that with 5 weeks left, taking a mini break is the last thing anyone would want to do. But, continuing down the road you're going now could be disastrous.

    Looking at it with a long term approach, 3 tests is nothing really. These three tests could merely be outliers. Maybe a cause for concern somewhat, but not a reason to mentally capitulate. As @Pacifico asked, your BR score could probably be the tell all. If that is still as high as it normally is, then you could merely be having some timing issues. I'm not sure drilling would be much help with less that 5 weeks to go though. But, I wouldn't continue to waste tests with the state of mind you are currently in either. You can do this. Take a deep breath and get back on track. Thoroughly blind review the last three tests and figure out why you are picking the answer choices that you are. When you have mentally regrouped, get back at it and see where it goes.
  • LARamsNationLARamsNation Member
    592 karma
    Thank you all for the the support and great advice! The BR scores went down a little as well, unfortunately the second guessing continued through the BR of the recent tests. I took today to go back and tie up loose ends, review some fundamental stuff, and I feel more upbeat after today's 8 hour session lol. Honestly, I wish I could blame it on on burnout, but I just dont feel tired at all, and I've been very disciplined not to spend more than studying 4 or 5 hours at a time to make sure I don't get burned out. The more modern exams are obviously a little more difficult, and the nerves are sinking in -- but as you say @"GSU Hopeful , I need to just take a deep breath, start over fresh, and keep attacking. The more stress, the more panic, the worse you do... regardless of how good your skill is.
  • Artwork94Artwork94 Free Trial Member
    140 karma
    If only there was a guarantee of doing better after all this studying :/ Afraid I'm gonna bomb Dec again...
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @Artwork94 said:
    Afraid I'm gonna bomb Dec again...
    That's a problem that I'm afraid only you can address. As Confucius stated, "He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right."

    @Artwork94 said:
    If only there was a guarantee of doing better after all this studying
    There aren't any guarantees in life. And definitely aren't any in the field of law. The only guarantee you need is that you are going to bust your ass and give it your best shot. Then let it fall where it may.
  • Artwork94Artwork94 Free Trial Member
    edited October 2015 140 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful"

    I agree with you, and I think embracing the uncertainty better will help me power through this cruel game. Before, I just constantly thought about the LSAT, but now I am trying to work hard but let things out of my control just unfold. And meditate a bit to clear my mind.
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