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Side effects of studying for LSAT :-)

pritisharmapritisharma Alum Member
in General 477 karma
I have found myself getting irritated and impatient when people make illogical arguments during general conversations. I am also painfully cognizant of the "illogical-ness" of their arguments. Social events are even more stressful ;-) Please add your observed "side-effects"


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    edited November 2015 3107 karma

    Political debates on TV are even more infuriating to watch than before.

    EDIT/addition: A benefit has been rewatching some of my favorite shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, or Seinfeld and catching the subtleties/brilliance of the writing.
  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6868 karma
    Facebook becomes essentially unusable, especially when the Supreme Court is releasing their end-of-term rulings.
  • pritisharmapritisharma Alum Member
    edited November 2015 477 karma
    Oh Yes so true about FB !! I am off FB for some time now, too much aggravation on many .. many...counts. Love Seinfeld.
  • Julia LJulia L Alum Member
    354 karma
    I think this will be a continuing side effect when we become lawyers!
  • nordeendnordeend Alum Member
    edited November 2015 349 karma
    Fights with my wife...:)
  • UsernameChangeUsernameChange Free Trial Member
    349 karma
    I second guess myself a ton on tests for undergrad. If the teacher says most or many I immediately think he's an LSAT test maker trying to trick me. The specificness of the lsat has killed me with the generalness of most undergrad tests.
  • J.H. SongJ.H. Song Alum Member
    201 karma
    As a sports fanatic, I personally hate that I can no longer defy logic in arguing for my favorite teams/players.
    Also, the necessary/sufficient condition, something I never thought about pre-LSAT, is something I seem to subconsciously apply to every situation I face.
  • PetrichorPetrichor Alum Member
    359 karma
    sufficiency/necessity has been brought up in different classes so that was helpful. also inferences regarding most -> most or some variation of that type.
  • UsernameChangeUsernameChange Free Trial Member
    349 karma
    In one of my labs we did the wason selection task yesterday and I skewed the results as a result of my logic games
  • LSATKingsmanLSATKingsman Alum Member
    1024 karma
    Watching commercials make claims that are so terrible and unsupported. "Recommended by doctors!" How many 1? 2? 20000499? to who was it recommended and why?
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited November 2015 3658 karma
    I found myself competing with other people about how much better the LSAT is in comparison to other graduate entrance exams...

    ...I see someone in front of me with an MCAT prep book. Pfft.
  • as5324therapyas5324therapy Member
    175 karma
    Annoying everyone around and developing a slick tounge lol
  • ellie1991ellie1991 Alum Member
    237 karma
    Symptoms may include, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, irritability, incontinence, insomnia, strong desires for alcohol, blurred vision, thoughts of chocolate, hot flashes, cold sweats, angry loved ones, heated debates over menial topics with coworkers, more insomnia, stronger desires for alcohol, lack of trust for others, rage, and an overall increased hatred for mankind.
    results may vary...
  • nordeendnordeend Alum Member
    349 karma
    @bishoplaw hahahahahahahaha
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You know you can just buy alcohol and make all the other stuff go away right? Stop desiring and start doing!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    Stop desiring and start doing!
  • ellie1991ellie1991 Alum Member
    237 karma
    Causation, Correlation? Meh, no need to follow logically on this one..
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    "Paper or plastic," you ask? Can I have both? Or perhaps neither? Can I have my groceries put into a box? "Irv, clean up at register 4! Another one of these stressed out LSAT customer's head just blew up."
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