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Is the LSAT Starter sufficient

SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
in General 224 karma
Hello all!
I am taking the LSAT in February and I am on a very tight budget but was wondering if the LSAT Starter is sufficient? Will it only be helpful for easy question sets or will I be able to utilize the skills in the LSAT Starter to sufficiently solve difficult problem sets as well? My concern is not being able to master difficult problems on the exam.


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @SVMIRTO What study materials have you used prior to this?
  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma
    I just began my study about a month ago and have been using the LSAT Trainer and the Powerscore LG Bible. I also have the 10 actual LSAT prep books for tests 28-71
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Ok. I'm glad you have the Trainer. That will help. Having the starter package is better than no 7Sage at all so I think all you have is upside for the purchase. How is the PS LG Bible working for you?
  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma
    I am a few chapters into the LG Bible and so far it's helpful. I went in not knowing how to diagram games at all and now I know a couple of ways to do it. I took a diagnostic PT but did not do so well on the LG questions so I still have a long way to go.
  • schyler.coxschyler.cox Alum Member
    152 karma
    I'm using the Starter and I am finding it super helpful--you get the lessons, and a good amount of example videos, which have worked wonders for me. I had more LSAT background going in, though, but honestly haven't really used any of it as I have re-worked the way I think about things/my methods, etc based on JY's teachings. The LSAT Trainer definitely helped a lot, Powerscore, not so much. Ditch the PS and use 7SAGE and the Trainer. Just my 2 cents.
  • schyler.coxschyler.cox Alum Member
    152 karma
    Also, you can get invaluable help on here if you're active, people are so willing to help you unpack and figure out problems. Plus there's inexpensive, but amazing, tutoring available.

  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Well, I'm of the opinion that whatever works for you... stay with it. However, the overwhelming consensus here will be to throw away the PS stuff and stick to the Trainer and 7Sage for LG (and everything else really). IMHO, I believe you will embrace 7Sage wholeheartedly when you get the starter package. The LG explanations and curriculum will blow your mind. It'll be well worth the money. Feel free to ask us anything you need to.

    In regards to your original question, whether the starter package would be sufficient will garner a different answer from just about everyone. It entirely depends on the person and their individual ability. And are you talking about being sufficient for a 150? Or a 170? Again, it'll totally depend on the individual involved.

    With you starting your studying in Octoberish, I worry you'll be cutting yourself short of your potential by taking February. A large portion of us are at least 9 months in and in some cases (like me), we're approaching 18 months. Again, this is relative to the person. If you start the curriculum now, it's fair to say you'll be on it through at least mid-December. It might take even longer to really grasp the concepts and fundamentals. Then you're only leaving yourself about a month to a month and half to PT. I'm not meaning to be a Debbie Downer, I'm just trying to show you there is alot of work ahead of you in the next two to three months. We're here to support you any way we can.
  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma
    Thank you both very much for the information and the advice! I signed up for the Starter and can't wait to begin! I have not yet signed up for the February exam and am debating doing so. My reason for wanting to take it in Feb. is so that I can begin school Fall 2016 and not have to take a year off. At the same time however, I do not want to short change myself...decisions decisions.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @SVMIRTO said:
    My reason for wanting to take it in Feb. is so that I can begin school Fall 2016 and not have to take a year off
    I've been in that exact spot. Moved June, moved October, then moved December again. Law school with always be here. I think it is most important to get the absolute best score you can, pick up as much $$$ as possible and graduate owing the least amount you can. Low debt will translate into more options upon graduation. Best of luck to you!
  • Elle2015Elle2015 Alum Member
    198 karma
    I think the Starter could be fine. It covers the fundamentals well. I signed up for it in Oct because I wanted to prep for the Dec. test and it made the most sense time wise. If you only started your LSAT studying a month ago, Feb. might be too soon. This is my 4th month of serious prep but if I do not hit my goal scores when I PT, I will push my test date back. If I were just starting out now, I would not do PowerScore (which I did). Instead, I would go through the Trainer and maybe one of 7sage's other packages. At this point, though, I feel like I understand the basics and wouldn't benefit from more problem sets or videos. The Starter package has given me enough.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    It's sufficient enough to teach you that nothing is sufficient or necessary to achieving a given score on the LSAT ;) perhaps that alone is worth the price?
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