Ok so when you get a question that asks you to find the argument with the most simillar reasoning or matches the arguement above are they never a flawed argument? I know we get questions that ask you to match the flaw but I am hoping to use this thinking to eliminate a wrong answer choice or two is this holds.
In short if the Question stem does not say "flaw" is it ok to assume the correct answer choice and the argument in the stimulus are logical arguments?
There are instances in which parallel reasoning questions do not explicitly state that the stimulus is flawed, but the stimulus is nonetheless still flawed. In these situations, evaluate the argument (as you should always do) and note that you cannot select an answer choice that presents a valid argument if the stimulus is invalid. This is a good way to eliminate answer choices.
I actually think that's one of the best ways to do these. Is it flawed? Eliminate everything that isn't. Not flawed? Eliminate everything that is. You can even count sentences: ie in the stimulus the flaw was in the third sentence, so it should be here too.