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"Problem sets"

supercavtrprsupercavtrpr Member
in General 13 karma
I was hoping to find a search function so I didn't have to start a new discussion, but I couldn't find one. Anyway, I was looking at the different course subscriptions, and there was a line where the description went from "easiest problem sets" to "easy" to "easy and medium" then "easy, medium, and hard." What exactly are "problem sets?"


  • GoLSATGoGoLSATGo Alum Member
    84 karma
    Problem sets are just a set of questions arranged by LR type (e.g. Flaw, necessary assumption, most strongly supported, etc.) and depending on the course you select, you have access to questions with varying levels of difficulty
  • supercavtrprsupercavtrpr Member
    13 karma
    Got it. Thanks.
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