Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Gone from averaging 168 to about 163 on the PTs in the 70s - 7Sage Forum

Gone from averaging 168 to about 163 on the PTs in the 70s

GhoorchGhoorch Alum Member
in General 57 karma
Hey all,

I was doing fairly well on my LSAT prep, scoring upwards towards the 170s. However, having taken PT 72 and 73 my score has dropped dramatically down towards the lower 160s. At this point I want to put off this test till the next one offered after December. LR and RC were always my weakest, and I'm pretty certain they've gotten wordier and more difficult. I still have PT 74, 75, 76 left.. all advice welcome... I need it :-/


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    I wouldn't make any rash decisions based solely on how you feel about just two tests. What did your BR score do? I value BR score more than timed as this indicates true learning. Plus, 72 has been notoriously hard for a lot of people on the forums. Hang in there. If you want to postpone.. fine. But don't do it because of two tests.
  • FrostbyteFrostbyte Member
    140 karma
    Same here. Was in the upper 160s till the 60s and then got destroyed in the 70s. Massive blow to my confidence.
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