Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). No turning back, no way out. - 7Sage Forum

No turning back, no way out.

lewis.waringlewis.waring Alum Member
edited May 2014 in General 68 karma
I am registered for the June LSAT. In the past few weeks (as the date approaches), I have held onto the possibility of putting the exam off until September just in case I didn't feel prepared for the June date. However, it then dawned on me that putting it off until September is not a possibility, because I have done every prep test available except for 66-71. I have just enough time (I hope) to squeeze in these 6 prep tests before the test, but I think if I put off the test til September, I'll actually harm my chances at a good score...
To me, stretching 6 tests out over 3 months would be too little practice to be useful.
It seems, then, that I'm locked into this June date whether I feel ready enough or not.
No turning back.
Anyone have a similar experience or perspective?
On the flip side, does anyone think that putting it off until September, given my situation, could be helpful? If I did, that would mean one prep test every 2 weeks.


  • GraceloverGracelover Alum Member
    440 karma
    How long have you studied? Did you blind review all your tests? Did you redo all your LG practice tests 10 times (or at least more than once?)? Did you carefully think through all the LR questions you got wrong and now understand them 100 percent? If not, maybe there are so many things you can do with all those practice tests you did....
  • vandyzachvandyzach Free Trial Member
    358 karma
    You are going to need to provide us with some more info in order for us to tell you if we think June or Sept is a better test date.

    Where are you PTing at? Where do you WANT to be PTing at? (Spoiler alert: if the answer to the second question is a number range that is significantly higher than the answer to the first question's number range, then the answer will be to postpone).

    What do you mean by the fact that you've gone through PT 1-66? Did you burn through them without reviewing? Or did you intensely review every single question you got wrong or was unsure about? Did you do like DukeAG was talking about in your review of the games?

    In the mean time, check out this TLS thread on reusing preptests:

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